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Check These 10 Things When Doing Your Rental Property Inspection


Check These 10 Things When Doing Your Rental Property Inspection

There are multiple reasons to do walk-throughs and property inspections of your Niceville, Florida rental properties – at LEAST once per year! You will better understand how your property is being treated, identify any larger issues that need to be addressed, take preventative measures while doing maintenance, and build trust with your renters.

Be sure to reach out to your tenants ahead of time and let them know that you’d like to schedule a walk through. Below is a list of 10 items that you should consider inspecting each year. 

  1. Change the air conditioning filter:

It is very important to change the filters every several months, especially in our humid climate. This will keep your unit from overworking and will keep it running smoothly. By doing so, you will prolong the age of the unit. 

  1. Test the air conditioning and/or the furnace:

When renting out property, you are required by law to provide a humane environment for your tenants. This includes a livable temperature. Turn the air conditioning on and then switch to heat. You can make the most of your time and check other items while the air is circulating.

  1. Clean out dryer vents: 

Dryer vents can be fire hazards. You can purchase a dryer vent kit that easily cleans the vent. Also plan to use your vacuum with hose attachment to make cleanup easier.

  1. Check the breaker box:

There may be some switches that are triggered and not known. Check the fuse box to make sure there aren’t any electrical issues. 

  1. Check for leaks under all of the sinks:

Place a baking sheet under the drain and turn on the water. This is an easy way to check to see if there are any leaks.

  1. Check all appliances: 

Turn on all appliances to make sure they are in working order. Check stove burners (make sure you turn them back off), turn on the dishwasher, if there is a washer and dryer, check those as well. 

7.Test the garbage disposal: 

Check to see that they are working properly and that there are no strange noises coming from the drain. Check to see if they need to be tightened and also reset them. 

  1. Change all batteries in the smoke alarms:

By replacing the batteries, you’ll not only keep your tenants safe, but it is a liability if you don’t.

  1. Check attics and crawl spaces:

Look for any evidence of pests. Mouse or rat poop, termite or carpenter ant damage, small holes used as entryways. 

  1. Check the windows, doors, floors, ceilings, walls:

Water damage is the thing to check for here. You should be checking for any signs of cracks in the drywall, dark wet spots, and mold. If you find any of these things, treatment should be immediate to prevent a larger and more expensive fix.

Don’t have time to inspect your properties? Let Sound Choice take care of it for you!

If you’d like some help from our team of professionals at Sound Choice Real Estate please Click Here or give us a call at 850-389-8533 to Contact Us.

Sound Choice offers full-service property management in Niceville, Destin, Crestview, Fort Walton Beach and the surrounding areas. We are dedicated to providing a maximum return on your investment and eliminating hassle and stress.

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