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Property Management

Great news! Your Niceville Florida rental property is in high demand! It may be because you listed your property online, invested in some upgrades, or simply because your rental property is located in a highly sought-after area. As a landlord, receiving multiple applications is a...

Starting out as a new Niceville Florida landlord can be a fulfilling venture that can provide financial stability and an opportunity to accumulate wealth. However, like any new undertaking, becoming a landlord can be tough. To help you navigate the rental world, here is some...

Owning a home is a common aspiration for renters. There are many advantages, such as having more control over your living space, building equity, and potentially benefiting from rising home values. However, it is also a significant financial commitment that may not be suitable for...

A lease agreement is a legal document that the renter and owner both must sign that outlines what is expected during the term(s) of the lease. In order to protect your Emerald Coast property, your lease agreement should include critical provisions in the rental agreement...

We're continuing to live in questionable times where no one could have guessed how much the pandemic and economy would affect our lives. While one can’t be absolutely certain, we may in fact be on the verge of a potential recession, with real estate and...

The only true way to know if the people moving into your Niceville, Florida rental are the best fit is by screening them. To make sure you treat all applicants fairly, and to simplify the process, you should make a list of questions to ask...

It is important to keep up with regular property upkeep even though it’s not always cheap. It might cost you thousands of dollars to do so, which could potentially eat into your rental income.  Here are four ways that you can lower your rental repair and...

There are multiple reasons to do walk-throughs and property inspections of your Niceville, Florida rental properties - at LEAST once per year! You will better understand how your property is being treated, identify any larger issues that need to be addressed, take preventative measures while...

Seasonally checking on your Niceville and Destin rental properties allows you to identify any small problems before they turn into expensive issues. This fall, set up these maintenance tasks to make sure that your rental property is in great shape.  Check out the heating and cooling...

Landlords know that owning and maintaining a rental property can be a lot of work, and painting a rental before new tenants move in is an easy way to ensure that they are happy. White or cream are what most landlords in the Niceville &...

Millions of Americans have had furloughs, layoffs, and financial unpredictability due to coronavirus. Because of this, renters are having a hard time paying their rent, and landlords are struggling to cover their own costs while finding a solution to help their renters.  More than half of...

If you are a rental property owner, managing all of the responsibilities of your property can be difficult. It can become even more difficult when you are searching for the right property management company to take over those responsibilities for you.  With a wide variety of...

Having a rental property that brings in extra income can be nice. But what about the things that need fixing, how to market your rental, and the constant upkeep? These things can be handled by using a property manager, such as Sound Choice Real Estate....

Pricey repairs, constant upkeep and maintenance are things you shouldn’t have to worry about in your Niceville Florida home. But what happens when something goes wrong — an appliance stops working, or there’s a constant dripping somewhere, and the bugs just keep coming back —...

Truth be told, finding a tenant can be troublesome. Sometimes it can take a little longer than expected, meaning lost rental income, which is definitely something we all would like to avoid. So once you have an excellent tenant, what do you do to keep...

Is Text Messaging, Emailing, or Calling the Perfect Way to Communicate as a Landlord With Your Tenants? The best Niceville and Destin Florida landlords seem to be on top of everything. They provide maintenance to properties, collect rent, and continue to keep their tenants happy. Handling...

Military families are no strangers to frequent packing up and moving. Because it’s very common for these families, it is important to understand this when selling or renting to them in the Niceville, Destin & Fort Walton Beach area. Sound Choice Real Estate would love...